Thursday, December 1, 2016

AHRC Travel Training Program - Funded by AHRC New York City Foundation

Alex Getelman is the founder and head of Milestone Building Ventures, a project management and consulting firm located in New York City. Alongside his commitment to the construction and development industries, Alex Getelman is involved with several local charities. He particularly enjoys supporting children's hospitals, and sits on the board of directors for the AHRC New York City Foundation.

Nearly 70 years ago, a group of parents of children with disabilities banded together for support. At the time, these children were excluded from public schools and generally underserved. This group of parents grew into AHRC New York, which now offers a wide array of educational and other services for young people and adults who live with mental disabilities. 

The AHRC New York City Foundation is the organization's fundraising and grant-making arm. It funds special programs, like the recently revamped AHRC Travel Training Program. The newly expanded service gives people with disabilities the tools they need to safely use public transportation by themselves, which helps them be independent. 

In the training program, AHRC coaches accompany program participants on the bus or train most days for several months. They help participants learn to get on transit vehicles and learn their normal routes. With safety and confidence as the highest priorities, program participants eventually get to travel independently.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Construction Industry Forecast for 2017


Alex Getelman works with architects, engineers, and contractors as the head of his real estate and construction management firm. Despite years of industry experience, Alex Getelman refers to construction industry forecasts to provide sound advice to his clients.

According to one 2017 forecast, the construction industry remains sound despite threats to the US economy. The American Institute of Architects’ (AIA) Architecture Billing Index continues to show a positive growth in the design activity of its firms since 2012. Although there were signs of a decrease in activity during the second half of 2015, the general trend and projection of the new contracts index - signifying new project activity - remains above the current billing index.

The Urban Land Institute does predict an increase in vacancy rates and a decrease in rent in the housing and hotel market for the succeeding years, however. For the non-residential building sector, the AIA predicts a slower growth in 2017, with only a 5.6% rate projected in construction activity.

The strongest performer in the construction industry will be the commercial sector, which is expected to grow 6.5% in 2017 - largely due to thriving office and retail businesses.